Specific Objectives Make sure you find out exactly what you are supposed to accomplish when you are asked to do a dynamic public speaking engagement. Again this is all part of the "proper prior preparation" before your dynamic public speaking presentation or performance. It is best to have the specific objectives spelled out in writing. This can be handled with a question on your pre-program questionnaire. Sometimes it can be measured by a post-program questionnaire. If you don't get this information, you are open to complaints that you did not achieve the goals of the meeting organizers. And with your dynamic public speaking skills, if you lose your "connection" with the meeting planners, you lose, period, because you will lose your access to the audience for whom you work to connect, inform, entertain, educate, and inspire. P.S. Just because this is a short article doesn't mean you should ignore it's BIG message. Ignore this point and it can mean BIG trouble for your career of your dynamic public speaking skills. |
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