Ads A great tool to add to your dynamic public speaking skills is to incorporate some ads into your presentation. You can create your own fake ads, or use real ads that are humorous and fun suited to your particular presentation. They can be projected on screen, read aloud or distributed as handouts for your audience. You can cut ads out and photocopy for distribution as a handout or make them into slides and overheads.To use your dynamic public speaking skills effectively, you must constantly be on watch for funny ads that relate to your presentation topic or your audience in magazines and newspapers. Jay Leno, an entertainer who is widely known for his humorous dynamic public speaking skills, has a series of books called Headlines I, II, and III. Besides a collection of really funny headlines from newspapers and magazines, the books have lots of blooper advertisements along with commentary from Jay. My favorite was of a funeral monument company that advertised a lifetime replacement guarantee. You can read these out loud to your audience without worrying about copyright infringement. Always attribute the source though. You don't want to claim material as your own if you did not create it. Giving proper credit to the author is important to your dynamic public speaking skills. *Be careful not to violate copyrights, remember you are a professional public speaker, who knows how to "break the rules" but always obey the law.  |
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